Reading Miss Holliday's blog, I got to thinking today about manners. Manners are more than just saying "yes," "no," "please," and "thank you." It's being a nail tech and not asking your client "when she has baby?" It makes that client feel fat for not being "with child" at the present time and old for some reason. It's walking out of an office building and not letting the door slam in the person behind you's face. ("behind you's face" -- is that even correct grammar?? I can't think of another way to say it, so we're leaving it as is)
Because everyone's had hurt feelings...
Hurt Feelings from Brian Kessler on Vimeo.
That was a silly song, but everyone has felt that way at one time or another. Manners are more than just words. It's being a considerate person. Realizing that you are not the only one on this planet. So just think next time, because it's always important to "be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some sort of battle."
Or you can just stop being a jerk. That works too.
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