Thursday, December 30, 2010

Keep Calm and....

I made a post yesterday for our big Bowl Game and I happened to stumble across the history of the "Keep Calm and Carry On" posters.  Basically, the posters were created by the British government to "raise the morale of the British public under the threat of impending invasion" at the beginning of World War II.  But it wasn't used and was re-discovered in 2000 and now I see them EVERYWHERE (especially on blogs). 

I was really surprised by the reaction of the poster I made yesterday.  One true domestic diva, suggested I create free downloads of the posters for others to print.  I made some edits to my original poster, and I feel the ones below are more true to the original "Keep Calm" poster. 

I tried to create some that were just white letters so you could print them on colored paper, but that didn't work.  So I apologize in advance for all of the ink you may use up. 


Sooners:  (because I'm such a good friend)


How to print them out: Click on the image once and it will take you to another screen where the image is by itself. Click on it again to get it at full resolution. Right-click and save it to your computer. It is an 8 x 10 document that you can print at home or through your favorite photo-printing website.

Hope you enjoy!!

And if you have have an idea of another sign, please let me know and I will do my best to create it for you!  That's just how we roll at "A State of a Nation." 

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